Andrew Aldridge on the Issues:


Andrew believes that for children to thrive, parents and not the government know and must be empowered to decide what learning is best for their child. Whether homeschooling, private school, charter school, or traditional public school, we must support parents as they choose the right choice for their children’s educational future. Through his work with children around the State of Oklahoma, Andrew has seen firsthand the power of Public Education to change lives. As a proud product of Duncan and Comanche Publc Schools, he will always fight for our rural schools.


Andrew is proud to be the only candidate for House District 50 endorsed by Halliburton. He is committed to opposing Biden’s Green New Deal. Andrew believes we must support our oil and gas companies  and expand the high-paying jobs that power Oklahoma’s economy and provide the technology, workforce, and innovation that makes America the world’s leading energy producer. 

As your legislator, he will work to increase investment in our electrical infrastructure to improve the reliability of our electrical grid while lowering the costs for Oklahoma families and businesses. As your State Representative, Andrew will work with our utility companies and the oil and gas industry to find workable solutions to the ever rising costs of electricity and fuel.


The crisis at our Southern Border has reached record levels. The inaction of the Biden Administration and Congress to take this issue seriously does not impact only those communities directly on the border. We are seeing the effects in towns and cities across our nation. As your State Representative, Andrew  will fight to protect our families and to keep drivers’ licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants.


Andrew has received an AQ Rating (the highest rating available to a non-incumbent legislator) from the National Rifle Association. He understands that for Oklahomans, especially in our rural communities, responsible gun ownership isn’t just a right; it’s a way of life. As your State Representative, he will oppose any effort to erode our Second Amendment rights. Andrew will support efforts, both legislative and legal, to stop the Biden Administration from pushing its radical anti-gun agenda in Oklahoma. 


Andrew is proud to have received a 100% Pro-Life score from the venerable Oklahomans for Life. Following the Dobbs ruling by the United States Supreme Court, Oklahoma lawmakers must enact thoughtful and appropriate laws surrounding the issue of abortion. As a Christian, he believes that every person is created in the image of God and is deserving of the respect and protection of our laws.